
IV.Passage Translation(40 points, 20 points each)
A. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
One reason that The Miserables is popular with many people is its powerful themes. The title is fitting because the story deals primarily with the horrible lives of lower-class people in 19th-century France.
The struggle between Javert(沙威) and Valjean(冉 · 阿让) represents the unfaimess of the criminal justice system at the time.Although Valjean served his time, he is forced to carry a yellow passport which identifies him as an ex-convict. As a result, he is unfairly judged and suspected anytime when a wrongdoing occurs. He has no choice but to lie about his identity in order to survive. Javert, on the other hand, symbolizes the law. He always strictly follows the law, and refuses to make any exceptions—even for minor violations. But at its conclusion, the novel leaves readers with a positive message, as Valjean seems to find justification for his life in all of the sacrifices he has made for Cosette(柯赛特).
B. Translate the following passage into English.Write your translation on the Answer
旅游手册对于一个观光城市来说至关重要,因为那是城市的名片,决定了潜在游客 的第一印象。对于初到北京的人来说,街头以及书店里摆放的中外文旅游手册,影响着 其阅读北京的方式。这些旅游读物应与北京这座历史文化底蕴深厚的国际性大都市相匹 配。不要小看这些实用性读物,此乃城市文化品位的标志。
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